Sunday, November 28, 2010


I'm so giddy! Just like a school girl with a new crush. Hehe. :) My reason? I'm really excited about the next chapter of my life!! The chapter that I am in right now is swell and all, and I know that God has us in this tough spot for a reason, but I can't wait for our move to San Diego!!! Come May there will be a lot of changes in my/Jordan's/OUR lives! Graduation from FPU, baby, moving! So much will be happening and it is all so exciting and exhilarating to think about. I'm not gonna lie, this past year has been tough! We have been married for 7 1/2 months and SO much has happened...the big one being getting pregnant. When baby is born, we will have been married for just shy of a year. Pretty crazy, eh? It's exciting and scary all at the same time.

Now my goal is to be a better wife, gain more patience with where I am at in my life right now, and be productive! I need to learn how to focus on the "here and now" instead of planning my entire life for 6 months from now. Oh, it'! I am a planner. It might even be borderline OCD the amount of time I spend looking at apartments on craigslist for North San Diego. Seriously, I scare myself. I mean really, it's pointless for me to search for apartments 6 or 7 months before we move and pointless for Jordan to look for a job, but I can't help it!

Anyhow, I'm still excited. :)

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