Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 Week!

In exactly 1 week from today we find out if our little baby is a boy or a girl!! I am giddy with anticipation! I hope he/she cooperates and doesn't "hide the goods". Hehe. :) I can't wait to be able to start buying things for baby! I know my mom/sister/MIL/SIL are all very anxious to start buying things, as well. They are all hoping for a girl, as is everyone else in my life. Wondering what this special little someone is???? Only God knows right now and He is totally in control of it! Yay!

Also, been feeling this little baby move a lot lately! A lot, meaning like three times. Haha. But last night he/she kicked quite a few times! So cool! I can't wait to lie in bed and hopefully feel it again tonight. It is the best feeling!

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