Friday, November 12, 2010

No title, really.

Blah blah blah. Honestly, don't really care if anyone reads these silly posts. In fact it would almost be better if you didn't. :) I was an avid journaler when I was younger, but now, not so much. I try...and I start...but then I get bored. I stopped journaling just a couple years ago because once I met Jordan, I guess I didn't feel the need to write about my boy-woes anymore! So I guess this is now kind of like my own personal online journal. Maybe I could make one of those that is private? I really do prefer typing to writing. I type my faster than I write, and my hand doesn't get nearly as tired. Hmmm.....I think I will do that right now. From now on out I promise only to blog when something exciting or somewhat important occurs - like about our holidays or the baby. :)

Ta ta for now!


  1. you are ridiculous! keep writing, I just caught up with your posts : )

  2. Haha, I did make an online private journal, though. It has actually been quite helpful. :) It's good to get my thoughts out!
