Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's aliiiiive!

So I had my 3rd OB appointment this morning. I am almost 15 weeks along. They didn't do an ultrasound, like I had hoped, but we DID listen to the heartbeat! It was the best sound in the world. I definitely cried - a lot. I was just so relieved! The nurse said the heartbeat is very strong and sounds perfect. Baby was really easy to find, about 3 inches in length and in a perfect spot in my uterus. :) That's a good little baby. :)She said my weight gain is right on target (I've gained 8 lbs), my blood is good and healthy, all the lab work is good, and I'm all around very healthy!

On December 8th I go in for my 2nd ultrasound and that is when they can do the gender determination! Yay! I will be 18 weeks and 5 days then, so if baby cooperates, then we should be able to tell very clearly! Just in time for Christmas. :)

That's all for now...short and sweet. Time to do some house chores. Tonight we are going to Jordan's friend Greg's house for dinner and so the boys can slave away on the their senior project papers. I suppose I will read or watch a movie while they do that??

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