Sunday, November 28, 2010


I'm so giddy! Just like a school girl with a new crush. Hehe. :) My reason? I'm really excited about the next chapter of my life!! The chapter that I am in right now is swell and all, and I know that God has us in this tough spot for a reason, but I can't wait for our move to San Diego!!! Come May there will be a lot of changes in my/Jordan's/OUR lives! Graduation from FPU, baby, moving! So much will be happening and it is all so exciting and exhilarating to think about. I'm not gonna lie, this past year has been tough! We have been married for 7 1/2 months and SO much has happened...the big one being getting pregnant. When baby is born, we will have been married for just shy of a year. Pretty crazy, eh? It's exciting and scary all at the same time.

Now my goal is to be a better wife, gain more patience with where I am at in my life right now, and be productive! I need to learn how to focus on the "here and now" instead of planning my entire life for 6 months from now. Oh, it'! I am a planner. It might even be borderline OCD the amount of time I spend looking at apartments on craigslist for North San Diego. Seriously, I scare myself. I mean really, it's pointless for me to search for apartments 6 or 7 months before we move and pointless for Jordan to look for a job, but I can't help it!

Anyhow, I'm still excited. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growing Belly Pictures

Soooo, it may not look like much to you, but to me, I see the growing-ness of my belly. Pretty sweet, eh? Mind you, all of these pictures were taken first thing in the morning, before I ate. HAHA. So, my question is, when will I start to pop out!?! Today I am 15 weeks and 5 days. That's like, 4 months...come on baby...make yourself known! This is an awkward stage for me. Regular clothes are too small and preggo clothes are too big. My shirts are all too short and my pants all give me muffin top. Arrrg!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

This song just came on my Pandora - I love it. Thank you, Jesus.

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee, Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle-shield, sword for my fight,
Be Thou my dignity, Thou my delight.
Thou my soul's shelter, Thou my high tower.
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise,
Thou mine inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heav'ns Son!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O ruler of all.

Friday, November 12, 2010

No title, really.

Blah blah blah. Honestly, don't really care if anyone reads these silly posts. In fact it would almost be better if you didn't. :) I was an avid journaler when I was younger, but now, not so much. I try...and I start...but then I get bored. I stopped journaling just a couple years ago because once I met Jordan, I guess I didn't feel the need to write about my boy-woes anymore! So I guess this is now kind of like my own personal online journal. Maybe I could make one of those that is private? I really do prefer typing to writing. I type my faster than I write, and my hand doesn't get nearly as tired. Hmmm.....I think I will do that right now. From now on out I promise only to blog when something exciting or somewhat important occurs - like about our holidays or the baby. :)

Ta ta for now!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I didn't really have "morning sickness" during my first trimester. I had about a month of nausea, but never threw up from it. I just had to lay in bed for a while until it went away. Sometimes it hit me in the morning, other times in the middle of the night. Anyhow, all that to say, I shouldn't complain that I should not complain that I feel sick right now, because I had plenty of friends who had terrible morning sickness for weeks - throwing up a few times a day and getting migraines. BUT, I'm going to complain anyhow.

So I feel SICK this morning! :( Some mornings are just like that. I generally feel sick at some point during the day, nearly every day. It's usually not so bad, and passes after a little bit of time. But it's still annoying. I thought that because I was in my 2nd trimester that I would be feeling much better, because that is what I heard happens. But I suppose every woman is different. I'm a little less exhausted, but still quite tired if I don't get almost a full 10 hours of sleep. (I got about 9 last night, so maybe that's why I feel yucky?)I've always been someone who needed at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep even before pregnancy in order to feel good, anyhow. I get headaches nearly every day that are only cured by Tylenol, and that works just for a couple of hours. I hear headaches are quite common in the 2nd trimester, though. And then there's this sick queasy feeling I get most mornings if I don't sleep enough, get up too fast, don't eat right away, etc. Sometimes it feels like I'm going to vomit, but I don't. Anyhow, that's how I feel this morning. Oh the life of a pregnant woman. :)

Tis a blessing though!!! Ever since I was little, I wanted to be wife and mommy. That's all I ever wanted. And guess what? My dream is coming true! People told me I couldn't do it. They said that I wouldn't be able to stay home and not work. They said I was foolish to expect my husband to be able to support our family with one income. I say they are way too hasty to jump to that conclusion! It bothered me every single time. If we had money, I would be quite happy - I wouldn't have to keep such a tight leash on our budget. I wouldn't have to be on WIC, or get a discount on our PGandE bill, we might be able to go out to eat more than once every couple of months and even get our own meal instead of sharing and also just getting water. We could maybe even go to a movie, or a sporting even with our friends, or even buy a bed that's at least a queen and not a full. But you know what? I love my life just how it is! We are not poor in any sense of the word. We have FAR MORE "things" and "money" than the majority of the people in the world and even in Fresno. We are spoiled. Yes, we live on an EXTREMELY tight budget and spend WAY less than most people do, but we have Jesus, we have each other, we have this precious tiny baby growing in me, we have our wonderful family and our sweet friends, we have our health! We are SPOILED and blessed. :) Thank you, Lord, for always providing for our needs and surprising us with monetary blessings just when we need them. He is good. He is beyond good.

Did I go off on a tangent?

P.s. I love my husband. He is the most supportive and loving man I have EVER met. I dated a whole of guys before him and wanted to marry most of them. How silly was I? God brought sweet Jordan (young as he is!) into my life just in His perfect timing and caused him to sweep me off my feet and fall in love with him. I will never worry about him hurting me, leaving me, belittling me, yelling at me, ignoring me, or being cruel ever. He has been a fabulous husband in this short 6 months we have been married and I am confident he will only get better. I know he is going to be an amazing daddy, too! He can't wait. :) He loves kids and he's smart! He is so creative and smart it's disgusting, haha. Our children are going to adore him. Thank You, God, for my wonderful husband.

Alright, that's it for my more ramblings. :) Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's aliiiiive!

So I had my 3rd OB appointment this morning. I am almost 15 weeks along. They didn't do an ultrasound, like I had hoped, but we DID listen to the heartbeat! It was the best sound in the world. I definitely cried - a lot. I was just so relieved! The nurse said the heartbeat is very strong and sounds perfect. Baby was really easy to find, about 3 inches in length and in a perfect spot in my uterus. :) That's a good little baby. :)She said my weight gain is right on target (I've gained 8 lbs), my blood is good and healthy, all the lab work is good, and I'm all around very healthy!

On December 8th I go in for my 2nd ultrasound and that is when they can do the gender determination! Yay! I will be 18 weeks and 5 days then, so if baby cooperates, then we should be able to tell very clearly! Just in time for Christmas. :)

That's all for now...short and sweet. Time to do some house chores. Tonight we are going to Jordan's friend Greg's house for dinner and so the boys can slave away on the their senior project papers. I suppose I will read or watch a movie while they do that??

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have a bad case of the sleepies. It's 6:00 in the evening and I can barely keep my eyes open. I know fatigue is a normal symptom of pregnancy, but I really hate blaming all my problems on being pregnant. I was never a very high energy person to begin with, however. I am borderline anemic, which to this hypochondriac basically means I AM anemic. I blame my exhaustion on that fact. Plus, it's Sunday....and it's raining...and it's dark...and I'm in pajamas...and, well, that's about it. I'd like to read a book, or maybe watch a movie even, but I might fall asleep while doing those thing. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad?

Anyhow...last week was really busy. I had to do any orientation with Social Services to get medi-cal since my current insurance does NOT cover maternity - lame. I had to take my cat to the vet because he suddenly was dying from some random cat fever (he's fine now....110 dollars later). I had to take Jordan's car to the shop to get some new brake pads. Had to go back to social services for my actual interview with the social worker to get me set up for medi-cal. Had to go BACK the next day to bring in some missing documents, so that makes 3 trips to the ever-so-lovely SS Office on Shields and THEN I had to go get my hair cut. Haha, but that was a fun appointment. :)

I got my hairs cut at the Aveda salon in Riverpark. I highly recommend this particular sort of salon. It's relaxing, it smells good, they offer you tea and water, you receive a delicious hair scalp and shoulder massage with lavender and rose oil, then they wash your hair with a soothing smelling shampoo WHILE you are getting a hand massage. Simply fabulous. I'd go simply for the pampering.

And now here it is...Sunday evening. Jordan once again had to leave me to lead the group of kids who have terrible family lives in the Least of These ministry. I'm very proud of him for doing this outreach week after week. The kids must love him, because they always do, and I know he really loves being with the kids. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm really selfish. I feel bad for him because he is ALWAY SUPER BUSY. His life is school,work and ministry. Which is great....except he NEVER has time for leisurely activities, such as reading a novel or choice, taking a walk with me, going to a movie, watching a movie, taking a nap, going out to dessert, etc. He is simply a very hard worker and I commend him for that. Did I mention he just got accepted into Grad school?!?! Yes siree bob! He is officially accepted into Westminster Seminary California in Escondido. VERY proud of him!! How could they NOT accept him??? He's met nearly all the profs already, has kept a good email relationship with the admissions director AND best of all, has had straight A's for 6, and hopefully going on 8, semesters in a row. I sure love my smart man. :)

That's enough of my aimless ramblings for now. More to come the next time I have nothing to write. :)


Friday, November 5, 2010

14 weeks.....

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. I'm just waiting for this belly to grow...sometimes I talk to baby. I say "Hey baby! Are you in there?? Where you at?" Anyhow, I get nice and bloated as the day progresses, and then my belly pops out. But it's still not a baby bump, not really, at least. Oh well.


On another note...Jordan will be home in about an hour and I'm still sitting here in his pajamas, unshowered, and the dishes are still piled in the sink. After the zillions of appointments and errands I did all week, I am now totally unmotivated to clean my house and be productive. But alas, I must, because if he comes home and sees me/it like this, I will be embarrassed. He won't care, but I will. So I'm getting off my lazy butt as soon as this post occurs, I'm splashing my face with ice cold water, I'm turning on Christmas music and I'm doing those darn dishes!!

Now THIS is embarrassing....

But THIS is the outcome...

Have a pleasant Friday. :)