August 2013: we wrapped up our internship, hopped in the minivan (me - very pregnant, Julian 27 months old, Jordan - our trusty husband, father and driver) and drove a bajillion miles back home to Escondido. Jordan began his third and final year of seminary at Westminster Seminary California and I resumed my roll as exhausted, pregnant mother and grateful wife.
September 2013: Julian (28 months) and I (nearly 7 months pregnant) hopped aboard the Amtrack in Oceabside and rode the train for 8 hours to San Luis Obispo. We hadn't seen our family in almost 4 months and were itching for a reunion! We had a wonderful time, of course, although I vowed never to make that trip via train ever again. ;) (Ok, at least I'll never do it alone with a toddler and while super pregnant.)
October 2013: Another busy month for us. Traveled alone with the 2 year old, yet again, up to SLO. This time I drove. I was honored to help throw my sister-in-law's bridal shower! It was a gorgeous day.
November 2013: This was the month we had been impatiently waiting for! I had a couple due dates and we were quite unsure of when Genevieve would actually make her appearance. I did a photoshoot to capture the glory of being pregnant. My mom came to stay with us the week before she was born and left just a couple days after. My mother-in-law drove 5 hours and made it before the actual birth with plenty of time to spare! Baby girl took her dear sweet time arriving on her birthdate. That's a whole different blog post, however, that I have yet to have written! Long story short, labor was over 24 hours long and by the time I hit transition she flew out fast and furious after ONE minute of pushing. I had her at a free standing birth center in San Diego on Tuesday, November 19th at 5:25 pm. (In a hot tub, "like a fish" as my big brother, Brandon, likes to say).
December 2013: Talk about not getting a rest! When Genevieve was just 2 weeks old we hopped in the minivan and made the 5 hour trek to back to SLO for my wonderful SIL wedding! We were delighted, although extremely tired, to a part of the beautiful day! I was a bridesmaid and Julian was the ring bearer. Sadly though, he got too freaked out on the big day and his position had to be taken over by another little cutie. Oh well, when you're 2, things like that just happen. We only stayed for a few days, drove back to Escondido so Jordan could take his school finals and then drove BACK to SLO for Christmas break. We stayed a whole month and it was really, really nice.
January 2014: We rang in the new year in SLO, no doubt we were sleeping at midnight. Such is life for tired parents. We drove back to Escondido and Jordan resumed classes.
February 2014: Jordan's 25th birthday was this month. So naturally, we hopped in the minivan and made the 5 hour drive, yet again, to SLO. (Are we gluttons for punishment, or what?! Nah. We just LOVE our families and the SLOlife!). We celebrated JD's birthday by going out on a much needed date. This was also the month that Jordan began his final semester of seminary!!!
March 2014: What even happened this month?! I have no idea. I probably went to lots of parks days and struggled to keep up on my daily chores. As usual. No trips to SLO for us this month!
April 2014: Easter month means Easter break! Easter break guessed it! A trip to SLO. We happily drove up to visit our families and celebrate our risen Lord.
May 2014: Life started getting a little crazier in May. (Not like it really ever settles down for us). Julian turned 3!! This was was also the month that we had to pack up our cozy one bedroom apartment, Jordan graduated from seminary and we moved in to my in-law's home in SLO for a couple of weeks. Graduation and moving was a whirlwind! So incredibly proud of my hard-working husband. 2 years old Cuesta college then transferred to Fresno Pacific University where he graduated Summa Cum Laude in Biblical Sudies. Then 3 years of Seminary where he graduated with over a 3.2 with his Master's of Divinity. He's handsome AND smart. I'm a lucky girl.
June 2014: Apparently we don't like to sit around because just 1 week after moving to SLO we packed up and took a 13 hour drive to Oregon. We had a wonderful time there with my in-laws. Julian was absolutely enthralled by the river house and everything to do with fishing. He asks to go back to Oregon frequently. I sincerely hope that some day we can! Oh ya, and my baby sister GRADATED from high school?!?! Seriously. Time flies.
July 2014: This is the month that we moved into our attic apartment in Paso Robles. We spent a month cleaning it out and making it livable and I couldn't wait to have my own space again. We are always very blessed to have such loving family to live with, however, and we couldn't do life without them. Our apartment is cozy yet roomy at the same time. For the first time in a long time the kid's have their own room! At night they still sleep with us, but during the day Genevieve can nap in her own bed in her own room and all of their toys are in there! No more toys taking over the living room! Our house has many quirks, but we are extremely blessed to be have this place. (Quirks: no oven, no dishwasher, no washing machine, rickety old steps, ugly short, blue carpet, short slanted ceilings, occasionally smells like sewage, black mold (and issue we are are working on resolving), not enough power outlets, a shower built for miniature people, lack of proper AC) And yet, despite all these things that some people may not want to ever deal with, we say thank you Jesus for this roof over our heads. (Okay, so I may complain about it...audibly and in my head, but for the most part...I feel thankful. Hehe.) We also got a puppy this month! Oh ya, and I turned 30. Ahem...
August 2014:
Well this brings us to our current month! We'll save that for a new blog post. Thanks for reading!
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