Monday, August 25, 2014

Mondays at the Library

It's the beginning of the week again. It's Monday. Right now it's about 3 pm and I'm having my second cup of coffee. (Which may come back to bite me in the butt at 1am...but for now, I'm thoroughly enjoying. Genevieve is taking her afternoon nap and Julian is having a little quiet time. I wish that meant he was in his bedroom and I had the entire house to myself - nice and quiet. But, I tried that, and he kept trying to sing, and I wasn't about to let him wake up baby sister! So, now he's in the recliner behind me reading books outloud. I'll take what I can get.

Today was library storytime and I'm trying to get Julian out of the house more often. Genevieve came down with a cold so thankfully I was able to leave her home with Jordan today. I didn't want other moms glaring at me as snot dripped down my daughter's face. I don't mind some germs, but I definitely don't do sickee ones. Why expose your kid to illnesses if you don't have to, right? Anyhow, it's amazing how easy it is to go on adventures with just one little 3 year old! I don't even need to pack him anything these days! (Although I do bring a water bottle and snack for us to share and a toy for the car). Getting in and out of the car is quick and easy (except for when he sees the park across the street and begins flipping out because we didn't go there today. Oops). He holds my hand when we walk most places and he is a very good listener when we're out and about. It helps that we put the fear of death by cars and abduction by strangers in him. Heh.

While at the library he enjoyed showing other kids his Bumblebee Transformer and asked if he could help build with the Lincoln Logs. Of course, the other little 3 or 4 year old said "no" but I would expect nothing more. Julian isn't that into building things anyhow. He would much rather play pretend or with with his action figures. So then it came time for the story and songs. He sat front and center and was later joined by his Lincoln Log building friend. They proceeded to being very silly and bit disruptive together. Giggling and wiggling and what not. Boys will be boys. Afterwards came the craft, which Julian is totally into. I feel bad because I'm very much so not crafty and don't provide any sort of "craft" for him to do at home, aside from coloring. But, thankfully, the library provides that kind of entertainment. ;)

We came home with a few picture books, a couple chapter books to read at bedtime, 2 chick novels and Anne of of Green Gables VHS tapes. I'm pretty stoked!! New laundry folding movies. ;) Julian also brought back his project and colorful Wonder Woman.

And so that was that! Now the dishes await, as does vacuuming and folding laundry. Oh, and I should probably figure out dinner. Until next time...

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