Monday, August 19, 2013

On being pregnant and feeling ugly

Ok. So, if you have ever been pregnant before, and especially if you have been pregnant and had a toddler and have been living in someone else's home in a new state for 3 months...then you know exactly how I feel! You feel tired. Ugly. Fat. Out of shape. Tired. But then there are those glorious days when you get enough sleep and actually take the time to pretty yourself up! For me, that happens oh-so-rarely. I mean, really, really rarely. I think I have felt pretty twice this entire summer. No joke. And I am not fishing for compliments, btw. I am just telling you the truth. And it's okay. Whatever. So I feel gross most of the time. These days will pass. At 29 I'm no spring chicken any more, but Jordan is only 24 so he keeps me young and hip. ;) just kidding. He is so not hip; that's why he has me. I keep him hip. Anyhow, I totally digress. P.s. this is my first time blogging from my cell phone and it is 10:50 at night. (Maybe that's why I feel tired and ugly all the time?!?!) Back to the topic at hand!

This past sunday I got a good amount of sleep and felt decent enough to do my hair! How now, brown cow?! I wore it down Jd slightly pulled back at the sides. I spent, like, AN HOUR curling it and product-ing it. (And this is why it is in a pony tail most days....I don't have the patience to spend an hour curling my hair knowing it will go flat in 30 minutes ). It did go flat. The curls turned into miniscule waves. But whatever. No one can ever tell me I didn't try. So I had to blog about it, of course. Because when one is pregnant, entering their 3rd trimester, up 18lbs from their normal weight, and feeling rather blah about one's overall appearance, one must show the world that they DO have good days! Albeit few and far between.

And so I leave you with a few selfies of this hour-long hair'do. Was it worth it? Ya. I guess so. It helped me feel better about my pregnant-self and I even got a compliment. 27 ish weeks pregnant:

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