Monday, June 24, 2013

Our week without daddy

It is Monday night. That means we have officially been in Gainesville for 3 weeks! I still can't tell if it is going by slowly or quickly. Both, I suppose? Here is a look at what went down last week:

On Monday afternoon I dropped Jordan off at our pastor's house and he embarked on a two-hour drive south to Brooksville, Florida to be a Jr. High camp counselor. The camp is called "Reformed Youth Conference" and from what I can tell, Jordan had a good time and was welcomed and liked by his fellow staffers and the campers! He's pretty lovable and fun, so I don't blame them.

Julian and I had a total of 4 nights (which honestly felt like an eternity) by ourselves, in a strange new home, in a strange new neighborhood, in a strange new town, in a strange new state a whopping 2500 miles away from all we know and love. We had only been here for 2 two weeks so I wasn't fond of this, but obviously, we survived.

As you probably read on my facebook page, I'm a major scaredy-cat when it comes to sleeping in a strange new place without my husband. I proceeded to hanging sheets over any window or door that was glass and did not have a curtain or blinds. (Because it is seriously creepy at night when you can't see out, but "they" can see in!). I also barricaded the doors with chairs, brooms, bicycles and toy cars. (Because even though the bad guys could still get in, I would surely hear the commotion before they got to me!). I armed my night stand with a can of Raid, a large frying pan and an iron firewood poker. And on top of all that, I left the living room lights on. The bedroom door does not have a lock on it, so the first night I left it wide open and also left the TV and hall light on. Well, that night I didn't sleep a wink. So, the following nights I wizened up and instead closed the bedroom door and blocked it with the large dresser. Every.Single.Night.

***As you can see, no crazed axe-murders, zombies or rapists entered my home. Phew!*** And now Jordan is home! Never allowed to leave me again! :)  So what did Julian and I do last week whilst the beloved husband and daddy was gone away, entertaining hordes of 12 year olds?

Monday - we took it easy. I think we were both a little depressed that daddy was gone so we watched TV all day.

Tuesday - I knew I needed to get us out of the house so we drove 20 minutes across town to this great zoo. It is a teaching zoo at one of the colleges here. It cost only $5.00 for me to get in and Julian was free. The staff was all very friendly, too. Julian kept expecting to see gorillas and elephants, but in the end I think he was more than satisfied with the alligator, snakes, Galapagos tortoises, various monkeys, tree kangaroos, and peacocks. We'll definitely be visiting that zoo again!

Wednesday - I finally got up the nerve to invite myself over to a friend's house! We spent the morning with a my sweet new friend, Megan Hill and her two sons, Sammy (2) and Jed (6 months). Julian really enjoyed playing with all of Sammy's fun dinosaurs, books, trains, puzzles and outside play structure. He also got to eat bacon for lunch. I mean, seriously, what can get better than that? Plus, I got to indulge in some grown-up conversation! Woo hoo!

Thursday - this day was library storytime day. We plan on doing this every week. It's just a quick 20 minutes, but so worth it. Stories, songs, toys and friends at the library. :) Good times. We also managed to make a stop in a Starbucks and Trader Joe's! My beloved TJs...oh how I missed thee.

Friday - Today we were supposed to go to the Splash Park with some lovely church friends. BUT, Julian and I slept very poorly, had quite the cranky morning and tiny baby was making me feel extra tired and extra nauseous. So instead we had a slow morning and then eventually made it to Julian's new favorite place in the whole wide world, The Florida Museum of Natural History! Spent nearly 2 hours there and only had to pay for parking. I have a feeling this will be a regular hang out for Julian and I.

Saturday - We picked up daddy today!! YAHOO!!

So that was our week without the most important man in our lives! We had a good time. Kept ourselves busy. But I have to say, having Jordan home all the time trumps having solo mommy-son time any day. Hehehe. At the end of every night I was more exhausted and more stressed than usual and by Saturday I was ready to sleep for a month straight.

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