Monday, June 24, 2013

Beginning Week 4 of Our Summer in Florida

As I just mentioned in my last post, we officially made it through week 3 of Gainesville, Florida. On to week 4! Lots of fun things are happening this week, it seems. One of them is happening on Wednesday. Bright and early in the morning we are having our "20 week scan" (I will technically be about 18 1/2 weeks) to check on the baby and find out if it is a boy or a girl! I've posted a lot about baby already on my FB page, but just to recap on my pregnancy:

* My EDD is somewhere between November 15th-22nd and any time 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after.
* I am about 18/19 weeks along right now.
* Baby seems to be quite active, almost moreso than Julian was?! I can feel him/her moving regularly, even from the outside.
* Weight gain to date is approximately 10ish or more pounds. I don't really keep track. All I know is I look the same at this time as I did with Julian.
* I feel good! Tired, but good. My cravings are starting to hit a little harder these days, mostly chocolate. thankfully I also continue to crave fruits and veggies. And Caesar salad! Mmm. I may have to go have some more salad, even though it is already after 10pm.
* So far this pregnancy has been "uneventful". The best kind! Although continued prayers are always good.

How are we adjusting to North East Florida? How do we like it here? We hear those questions frequently. Here is how I would answer:  Adjusting to the weather has been a challenge. The humidity isn't unbearable, but the heat is not pleasant. I am not used to it staying warm all night long, either. I miss being able to open the windows to get some fresh air. It does 'cool down' to about 70 at night, but the humidity makes it nearly impossible to keep windows open. Everything in the house begins to feel damp if windows are open. Since we are subletting a nice, furnished home, we strive to do our best to keep it mold-free. Thus, not opening windows and allowing it to get damp inside. We are blessed with a good AC unit and ceiling fans throughout, however. :) I find that due to the heat, I must drink an obscene amount of water. I've taken to keeping a tally of my water intake so I don't forget, otherwise I end up feeling nauseous and with frequent Braxton Hicks. Needless to say, I go to the bathroom about every half hour. Oh the joys of pregnancy.

We really enjoy our location here. I feel like we are smack dab in the middle, which makes if very convenient for going to church, visiting friends, grocery shopping, etc. We are a 4 minute drive from downtown and the library, which sure is handy! I am also a 2 minute drive from the Birth Center which is where I am receiving my prenatal care for the duration of our stay. I've only met our next door neighbor who's name is Tim. He is a very friendly, 63 year old hippie stoner. :) He'd probably fit in perfectly in Morro Bay or Los Osos. When I met him he was carrying an empty thing of beers out to the recycle and sporting long, grey greasy hair, a tie-dyed shirt and the aroma of weed. Thankfully, he didn't even bat an eye at Julian, who was running around nearly butt naked, save his amber teething necklace and a pair of sandals. To him, toddlers running around naked in the summertime in Florida is totally normally. :)

This Sunday night Jordan will be exhorting his first sermon here at Redemption Orthodox Presbyterian church. Pretty exciting and definitely scary (for ME!) This is what we are here for. This paves the way for our future! What a great adventure! Prayers for Jordan for this Sunday and the following Sundays are greatly appreciated. This internship is a major blessing and we couldn't be more thrilled to have Jordan being mentored by and learning from Pastor Joel Fick and the elders of this church.

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