Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, folks! I made it through my first week of "getting dressed". And by "week" I mean Monday-Friday. ;) I also survived Jordan going back to school on Thursday. Going back to school means he's on campus (whether that be for actual class or studying) Monday - Friday, from about 8-5 and then work Friday - Sunday from 6pm - midnight. I was definitely spoiled over the summer having him home to help me with Julian ALL.DAY.LONG. This week began my first week of truly being a full-time homemaker and stay at home mom. A little daunting, but extremely exciting.

I began my week by reading from Super inspiring, as I told you on my last blog post. The past four days I really got on top of the laundry, went to bed with and emptied and shined sink, laid my clothes out the night before, woke up, got fully ready for the day and "swished and swiped" the bathroom every morning. (The means I wiped down the sink, mirrors and toilet). Notice how I said "past four days"...This morning I didn't exactly "swish and swipe" and I didn't really do ANY house cleaning. We did, however, go to the San Diego zoo with a good friend (Abby Sostre) and her little boy, Desmond. It was a hot and humid adventure, but lots of fun!

Today began with Julian and I being (rudely) woken up by my alarm at 6:30 and being out the door by 8am. Ummm, if you know me at all, you know that I am SO not a morning person. :| Julian loved seeing all the different animals with the elephant and the orangutan being his favorite. (P.s. "Orangutan" is a very tricky word to spell.) He took a little 20 minutes cat nap in the car on the way home and that was it for the day! Apparently that's all a 16 month old needs to be rip roaring ready to go all afternoon! When we got home I was exhausted from being in the sun all morning so I turned on a video and plopped onto the couch until dada got home to take over for a short bit. Yay for dada!!! The only good thing about Julian not taking a good nap is having him go down early for bed. (Can we say 6:45pm?! Holla!)

Okay, next bit, the last 2 days of my "Getting Dressed" for the week:

Paisley top - Target
Jade necklace - a gift!
White denim shorts - Express (I really do own some more "fancier" items, see???)

Friday (okay, so not the most stylish outfit, but I was going to the zoo...)
White ribbed tank - Old Navy
Black cami - Kohls
Dark wash denim - Target (in "long" so I cuffed them)
Black uber comfy sandal - Nike brand from Famous Footwear
Cool pewter pendant necklace - from my beloved Grandma Shirley's costume jewelry box

p.s. my hair definitely ended up in a pony tail right away, I rolled up my jeans even more and lost the white tank. It was SO hot at the zoo!

Tomorrow is SATURDAY! 
I'm going to focus on chores and grocery shopping! I might even "get dressed". ;)

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