Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Shamelessly Proud Mama of a Toddler Growing Up Far Too Fast

Today I nearly cried. Now, that's not that unusual of an experience for me. I'm quite naturally an emotional person to begin with. Add to that naturalness the hormones related to breastfeeding and you occasionally have a blubbering fool on your hands. But I digress.

Without a doubt, every mother has this "sudden" realization occur once in a while - my baby is growing up! Yes, yes, that was the epiphany I had this afternoon as I watched my sweet little toddler romping about, darting back-and-forth between the deck and the living room. He's running. He's walking backwards. He's walking backwards IN CIRCLES. He's learning what "jumping" is and how to "walk slooooow" and "walk FAST!". He can point out countless animals and objects in our (multiple) daily reading sessions. 

Today when we were looking at a picture of me on Facebook I said, "Julian, who's that?" (While pointing to said photo). "Mama!" He sweetly said! OH.MY.GOSH. Melt my heart, child! That was the first time he's actually verbally acknowledged who I am. I'm his mama. I love being his mama...his very shamelessly proud mama. 

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