It's been a while since I've given a Rossi Family Update...aka "here's what's up with Julian these days!"
He's a handful; we'll start with that! An adorable, lovable, hilarious, precious, crazy handful. He's always been kind of a "high needs" baby, to use the phrase by Dr. William Sears. Defined by another blogger as: "a special brand of little ones that must constantly be held, constantly be "bounced" or walked around, eat around the clock, refuse to self-soothe, reject pacifiers and bottles, hate to be cuddled -- and the list goes on." Sounds like Julian!
I wanted to write this next part to just lay it all out; to answer any questions there may be on my choices and "just how long are we going to co-sleep and breastfeed". (Because, DUH, that's everyone else's business, right?)
How have I handled this "high needs" baby and now toddler of mine? I still co-sleep and I will continue to do so until we all (Jordan, Julian and I) feel comfortable with stopping. We currently live in a one bedroom apartment, so he's going to be in our room for the next two years of seminary regardless. We all sleep better in our respective beds. Our full-sized bed is on the box spring on the ground - that's where Julian and I sleep. The twin-sized mat (it's actually two mats on top of each other that end up being the exact size of a twin) is literally right next to our bed, touching it, and that's where Jordan sleeps. I can reach out and touch him, no worries there. Jordan works nights and also gets up a lot earlier than Julian and I during the school year. (5:30/6am compared to 8isham). We LIKE this sleeping arrangement. Even if Julian had his own room, he would still be sleeping in my bed. I like it, he likes it, Jordan likes it. Really, that's all that matters. It works for us and it's not harming anyone. In fact, it helps. It helps Julian and I bond. If we've had a rough day (ie: if Juilan was a pill and mommy had to pray for patience) all of that tension disappears when I am lying in bed nursing him to sleep and cuddling whenever he wakes up. It calms him down. It helps us both sleep better at night. It encourages breastfeeding.
On to my next point. Julian is now 15 months old and I don't see any sign of weaning. And I LIKE this! Jordan likes it. Julian likes it. Again, that's all that matters. He's refused the paci. Never liked a bottle until recently, and let's be honest, I don't really need to be pumping and giving him breastmilk via a bottle at this day and age. Those who say "why don't you just pump and feed your toddler with a bottle?" Um, do you realize how much *work* that is? How *impersonal* that sounds? I've been happily and successfully breastfeeding my son for 15 months. Why would I suddenly stop a good and easy thing in favor of: using an expensive pump, attempting to get more than an ounce in 20 minutes, washing a bottle, etc when I could just: pull down my shirt, nurse my son and be done in about 1-5 minutes flat? Nursing toddlers aren't the same as nursing newborns. He used to nurse for about 20 minutes every 90 minutes, give or take. Now he nurses, well, there really isn't much of a schedule! He nurses a few times at night, before his nap, after his nap, before bed time and any other time he's feeling a little need for the milky. To him, it's not just nutrition. It's comfort. I tried to get him attached to a lovely, a paci, a teddy, or what have you. I'm "secretly" happy he didn't care for any of those things. He just wants his mama and the yummy, comforting milky I provide. Nursing Julian allows for us to have a calm, cool and collected moment together (except for when he's doing nursing acrobats).
Why don't I wean? You may ask. Why would I? Is my question to those pondering this. The
World Health Organization (WHO) states this: "Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with
continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond" And then there's this: "the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about the first six months of a baby's life, followed by breastfeeding in combination with the introduction of complementary foods until at least 12 months of age, and continuation of breastfeeding for as long as mutually desired by mother and baby." You can also read
this article from La Leche League. Anyhow, these are just a few snippets highlighting why it's "okay" and even "beneficial" to continue to breastfeed well past 12 months of age. In fact, I'm not going to take the time to look up and post all the websites/links, but here's one quote from "Child-led weaning occurs when a child no longer has a need to nurse – nutritionally or emotionally.
A baby who self-weans is usually well over a year old, is getting most of his nutrition from solids, is drinking well from a cup, and cuts down on nursing gradually.
If children are truly allowed to self-wean in their own time, most will do so somewhere between the 2nd and 4th year. Obviously, some will wean before this time and some will wean after this time, too."
I truly believe that the co-sleeping and (extended) breastfeeding have helped me to meet Julian's physical, emotional, and physiological needs. It has helped me, as well. It puts less pressure on me, for sure. I don't need to "get him to sleep in his crib", "learn to fall asleep without nursing/rocking/bouncing/whatever", have some sort of "feeding schedule that fits MY needs". I'm a stay at home mom. It's not like being this kind of parent has caused me to lose who I am. This IS who I am. I am a child of God. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am homemaker. I am SO many things.
What else has been going on in the SoCal Rossi household? (Because there's the SLO-Cal Rossi household as well, so I must differentiate. :) ) Well, on July 6th we signed a lease for a new apartment complex in Escondido. We moved out of our comfortable 2 bedroom condo in Scripps Ranch, San Diego to an equally comfortable 1 bedroom apartment in north Escondido. Our desire was for me to be able to fully focus on Julian and being a better wife and for Jordan to be closer to seminary. So far it has been awesome! I am frightfully busy...although I most certainly can be making better use of what little free time I have. Our little apartment is coming together nicely! Our neighbors are great and the area feels safe. It's still summer, so things aren't truly in full-swing just yet. Jordan starts school full-time in 2 1/2 weeks. He'll be entering his 2nd year of the Masters of Divinity (M.Div) program here at Westminster Seminary California. There is the option to get through it in 4 years, but I'm quite confident that he can do it in 3. He's studly like that. On top of his full time grad school he's also working 18-30 hours a week as a security guard. I'm not gonna lie, I think he's awesome. Sure, we're still flat broke and in the red due to student loans, but we're getting through, trusting God and working hard!
When September rolls around I plan on doing weekly play-dates with fellow church and seminary mommies. I used to be a social butterfly back in my single and pre-Julian days. Since having a baby I've become somewhat of a recluse! Eek! Not wise I tell you, not wise at all! I end up doing things like spending too much time on Facebook or watching Netflix! I need to get out and make friends! I also looked up the kid's library schedule here in Escondido. Definitely going there a couple times a week! Storytime and music for toddlers? Yes, please! Julian loves to be out and about, be around other children, and see new sights. This will be good for us.
Of course, last but not least, I MISS MY FAMILY!!! My parents and siblings are in Templeton doing their thing and my wonderful in-laws and in San Luis Obispo doing their thing. *Le Sigh*. Oh if only there weren't 300 miles between us. I last saw them in June/July. Not too long ago, but when you're tight-knit family, every week seems like so long! Thankfully I get to see my lovely sister-in-law, Courtney, and her boyfriend, Uncle Marky, in just 4 days! We can't wait! In September I hope to take Julian and head to SLO/Templeton for a much needed visit with the fam. It can't come soon enough!
Oh, and did I mention that my 10 year high school reunion is coming up this weekend?!?! Sadly, I won't be able to attend, but I just wanted to point out that I am now 28 years old and have been out of high school for 10 years. Time flies!
Whew! This was a LONG blog post! I had a lot to catch up on. Thanks for reading!