Sunday, October 30, 2011

Some Things I've Learned in the Past 6 Months

On November 2nd I will have been a mother for 6 months. Having a baby is even better than I ever hoped or imagined it would be, and harder! Haha. I love it, though! As a mom, one must learn to set aside their preconceived notions and ideas for motherhood (like I had mentioned in my last entry) and also lower the expectations for oneself. Because if you don't you (and yes, I mean YOU) will go crazy! (And by "you", I really mean ME). ;)

During the week I am, in essence, a mother to twins. One of the twins is just a little more advanced than the other. (That would be my sweet little Fisher Face who just turned 1 on Saturday!) I try to imagine what life would be like if I ACTUALLY had twins and I know it would be much more difficult! I only have Fisher about 45 or less hours a week....having the 2nd twin would be a 24/7 job. So, I'm thankful I really only have one child at this point in my life. I've discovered that I'm not good at being productive after a night of waking up 3-6 times. I would like to think that I am, but I'm not. (I mean, take right now for instance! I SHOULD be folding that laundry that's draped over the couch, but instead I'm blogging!). Some days, both babies nap at the same time which gives me a precious hour, give or take, of time "alone". My brain tells me to get some chores done, but my body tells me to slack off or take a nap. I tend to listen to my body more than my brain - which is sometimes a good thing. :)

So what have I learned lately? I've learned to accept the fact that the laundry, the dishes, the projects, the bills to pay, the mail to sort, the floor to vacuum, the bath tub to clean and the bed to make will ALWAYS be there and really won't ever change or "grow up". I will always have chores to do. My house will never be as clean as I would like it to be. My projects will always take 10 times longer to finish because I have 2 babies to care for. But guess what/who will change and "grow up" right before my eyes, every day?? My son. My sweet little baby boy, Julian! He's nearly 6 months old. He's more than doubled his birth weight (8lbs 2oz at birth and now 19lbs 5oz at 6 months) and has added more than 7 inches to his height. He is sitting up, rolling over both ways, reaching for his mommy, drinking from a sippy cup, eating big people food, blowing raspberries, scooting around on his belly, learning all the different sounds and levels of noise his voice makes and simply GROWING UP. 

My house may not be spotless - far from it, in fact - but I'm not missing out of watching my son grow and learn every minute of the day. I wouldn't change that for the world. I have to tell myself "it's okay" to ignore the chores in favor of sitting on the ground playing with Julian. Or, "it's okay" to not fix my hair or makeup in order to gain more time cuddling with my baby.

So I guess that's what I've learned - that apart from God and my husband, my son is the most important person in my life and nothing else matters! It's true and I ain't ashamed to admit that. :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh, Motherhood!

I'm a mommy now. I've been a mommy for nearly 6 whole months! I'm pretty much living my dream - minus a decent paycheck, a house and a mini van. Yes, those are my only other desired right now - haha. Riiiight. Anyhow, that's beside the point. The point is that I am now a mother. Before I became a mom I had all these ideas on parenthood. Ideas that I assumed would become actual concrete actions. All I have to say to that is this: LOL! Literally, I am laughing out loud at myself and these so-called ideas.

Here are some of the ideas I had in mind and also, what actually happened:

* I was never going to sleep with my baby.
* I started co-sleeping when Julian was 4 months old after many, many, many nights of sitting up in bed and nursing (approx 3-6 times a night), attempting to stay awake and getting a gnarly crick in the neck during the process. Now that we co-sleep (somewhat trying to get him into his new and fancy little crib) I simply have to roll over, whip out the boob (pardon my language! *GASP*) and we both peacefully drift back off to sleep.

* I was going to let my baby "cry it out".....
*.....and then I actually birthed my precious, sweet, innocent little boy (who had just spent the past 39 weeks and 4 days cozy and warm in my uterus) aaaand "CIO" when OUT the window, far, far, faaaar away.

* I was going to wait until my child was 6 months old before I started him on solids.
* I started trying out little tastes here and there about a week shy of 4 months! Granted, I only give him organic, homemade food, of course!

* I wasn't going to rock or nurse my child to sleep.
* And then I realized that after 39 weeks and 4 days in my uterus, being rocked to sleep was something my son was quite accustomed to! Why stop the moment he pops into the big, bright world?? As far as nursing to sleep goes, it seemed only natural. I love nursing. I have to admit, it was extremely painful the first 3 months, but once the initial pain subsided I was golden! I nursed every 1- 1.5 hours the first 4 1/2 months of this kid's life! He just recently started going 2-3 hours between feedings. Anyhow, nursing has a calming effect. It calms the baby, thus putting him to sleep. It calms the mommy, thus reducing stress. I love nursing. Did I say that already?

That's really all I have time for, since it's 10:30pm and I really should go to sleep! (Especially since Julian has been sleeping since 7:15pm!) But let me first leave you with some of my favorite websites, books/authors that has influenced my crunchy way of thinking:


Natural Childbirth: The Bradley Way (revised edition)by Susan McCutcheon-Rosegg
Husband-Coached Childbirth: The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth by Dr. Robert Bradley
The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
The No-Cry Sleep Solution & The No-Cry Nap Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
The Birth Book by Dr. Sears
The Baby Book by Dr. Sears

Can I just say that I love Dr. Sears? He's the bomb diggity.

That is all. Goodnight....Moon. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Birth Story

This is the version of my birth story that I posted on

Baby's Name: Julian Germanicus Augustus Rossi
Date of Birth: 5/2/2011
Original Due Date: 5/6/2011
Weeks Pregnant: 39 weeks 4 days
Baby's Weight: 8lbs 2 oz
Baby's Height: 20.5 inches

Total labor time from start to finish: 12.5 hours.

Your Birth Story:
On Saturday I started having Braxton Hicks contractions fairly frequently until about 2am when they just stopped. They weren't painful at all, but I had a feeling that true labor might be imminent. At my doctor's appt just a few days earlier I was a mere fingertip dilated, pretty soft, posterior cervix, and baby's head was sitting very low. None of these things gave us any indication of when he would be born. On Sunday I only experienced one or two BHs, so I assumed I would make it at least to my due date, if not beyond.

Monday early morning (around midnight) I was woken up by some mild contractions that I knew were not your typical BH. The bottom part of my abdomen felt crampy, like a menstrual cramp would feel, and my lower back felt some discomfort. I started timing the contractions around 2am and they were 10-15 minutes apart.  By around 4 maybe they were about 5-10 minutes apart. I was still in denial that I was actually in labor (because I HATE getting my hopes up!), but I texted my mom, and a couple of my best friends just to let them know this might be it! Meanwhile, I let my husband sleep because he had a final on Monday at 8am!

At 5:40 a.m. my husband awoke to find me in the living room, trying to rest and manage my contractions. They weren’t too bad at that point, so I didn’t need his help yet with coaching. He went about his business getting things in order, put the car seat and my bag in the car, ate breakfast, got the guest room ready for my mom, etc.

Around 7 we went for a walk, which felt great! (I HIGHLY suggest laboring upright for as long as you can handle it!) I had a few contractions on the walk and had to hold on to my husband during them. Around 8 I had  a piece of toast and some strawberries but threw them up shortly after. I tried to drink some water and diluted gatorade, but also threw those things up. No more food for me! I just tried to sip on water as much as possible so as not to get dehydrated. By 9 a.m. my contractions were about 1 ½ to 3 minutes apart and I though I still didn’t want to go to the hospital, I felt like it was time. They were getting my painful and I definitely needed to use my husband as support. (I would hang from him and make low moans whenever I had them). At 9:30am we headed out and let my mom know. (She had a 2 ½ hour drive). We literally live 2 minutes from the hospital (I could see our apartment complex from my post partum room!) so the drive over wasn’t so bad. (So I labored at home for 9 ½ hours and left for the hospital only after my contractions were 1 1/2 to 3 minutes apart!)

When we got to the valet parking area I jumped out of the car and vomited in the street, meanwhile, there were people just a few feet away from me eating…oops! Hopefully they understand that a woman in labor just can’t control those things!) We checked in (and even though I was preregistered, check in time was a pain! Trying to listed to instructions and sign papers while having a contractions is not my cup of tea, and having the lady be rude about it made me even more mad…)

I went to triage where I gave the nurse my birth plan (natural, unmedicated – which of course they thought I was crazy, but thankfully respected ALL of my wishes!!) I was 4 cm dilated and 100 percent effaced! WHOO HOO! They took me to my L&D room where I continued to labor with just my husband. They were barely able to monitor me because I moved around SO much. I didn’t have the IV plugged in or anything, it was just inserted into my arm just in case. I COULD NOT labor in bed lying down. I had to be either pacing in my room, leaning against a wall moving my hips back and forth, or hanging on my husband. I hardly had any rest from my contractions and was having terrible back labor. They kept asking me if I wanted pain meds but I continued to refuse. They also kept trying to get me lie down, take my temperature and blood pressure, etc while I was having contractions and I pretty much ignored them and just did my thing. Jordan was GREAT at basically keeping them away. After a while they pretty much left me alone because they realized I was not going to do things their way, lol. It was great being able to labor with just my husband.

Because I wasn’t really being monitored, they didn’t know where I was at with my contractions. I just knew they seemed to come one on top of the other and for about an hour they were almost unbearable. I couldn’t have gotten through the pain without my husband! I told him he makes a wonderful doula, haha! I held onto him like my life depended on it through each contraction – I’m surprised he doesn’t have bruises! At one point I even bit his shoulder….not hard though.  To manage the pain, I had to moan very loudly! VERY loudly….but I made sure I didn’t scream because I know that makes it worse. I’m not gonna lie, the pain during transition was the most pain I had ever felt in my life, but I hung on! Eventually I ended up lying on my side on the bed when I started having pushing contractions. I got up once and realized that I had finally lost my mucus plug and there was a big bloody show. I layed back down throughout those pushing contractions and had to yell as loud as I could into the pillow. (The nurses were trying to tell me how to breath – in through my nose and out through my mouth; I tried it once and hated how it felt, so I just kept continuing on with my method of moaning/yelling into the pillow through the contractions, which felt WAY better).

At that point my husband told the nursed I was needing to push and could they PLEASE check my cervix?? When they checked me all they would feel was my bulging bag of waters! I went from 4 to 10 cm in about 2 hours. I had wanted to push while using the squat bar, but at that moment all I could think about was pushing my baby out. They rolled me over to my back and propped me up a bit (not as high as I would have liked, but I was too delusional to think straight! My husband mentioned the squat bar, but it was kind of too late.) I started pushing before my OB got there, but she made it in time to catch the baby. My mom and little showed up in time to help as well. My mom held one leg while my husband held the other. I pushed when I felt the urge and did so for about 20 minutes. My water broke during the pushing stage. Pushing was a crazy intense feeling! It didn’t burn, but it didn’t feel good either. To get through it I imagined pushing out the biggest poo in the world! Haha. I also was just in the mindset that my baby’s head needed to get out and I needed to make that happen! Pushing without drugs gives you a natural high, btw. I felt incredibly euphoric! My mom and sister said I was pretty funny….

Like I said, pushing lasted about 20 minutes and out came my baby boy! It’s like they all say, once the head is out, the pain is gone and then the body just slides on out. I had my eyes closed the entire time except for when his body was coming out – Watching that was an incredibly amazing thing!! My OB immediately put him to my chest where he screamed and screamed.  I was able to birth the placenta naturally a few minutes later – it felt really good when that slipped out; all warm and squishy. I had a 2nd degree tear which seemed to take a zillion stitches! I got shot up with some Novocain, but was still able to feel her stitching sometimes, but it wasn’t bad. I refused the pitocin, so they massaged my fundus to make sure I didn’t have any hemorrhaging. Everything worked out PERFECTLY! We didn’t have a single problem and I was able to have a completely natural and drug free labor and delivery. My baby boy got a 9/10 on his APGAR test and has not had a single thing wrong with him. He didn’t nurse well the first 24 hours because he just wanted to sleep, but it wasn’t a problem. Now all he wants to do is nurse!

Considering how small my belly was, everyone was shocked at how big he ended up being! I am totally in love with my dark-haired little boy. He is a gift from God and my husband and I couldn’t be happier! I’m back home now recovering – feeling really good. The stitches really aren’t that bad,.
***So that’s the story I posted on I had zero pain meds, no pitocin, no IV, no problems! They respected all of my wishes (though they thought I was crazy). All in all I feel like I had a very positive experience. Jordan keeps saying that I could have easily had our baby at home, especially considering there were zero complications. I agree, so next time we will research going to do a birthing center or a homebirth with a midwife. I’m recovering SUPER well. I only have very minimal discomfort from the tearing.***

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Nursery? What's That?

Jordan and I (and our two gatos) live in a cute little two bedroom apartment. It's 925 square feet and we really enjoy it there. In the guest room we have: a twin bed, exercise bike, weights and other work out equipment, two litter boxes, a bookshelf, a desk, an old box TV that isn't plugged in, an extra dining room chair, and two thick sleeping mats for guests. The closet is also that left me thinking: Where Does Baby Go???! Why, in the master bedroom, of course! :) Considering we will only be living in Fresno and in that apartment until around July, it's really no biggie that baby has taken over half of our room. Just a little rearranging and organizing and voila! Baby now has a place to go. :) (And mommy and daddy STILL have a very nicely functioning master bedroom.)

After a few shopping sprees and a delightful baby shower at the coast last weekend, I am now fully prepared to have this baby boy in our home and taken care of. (Because it's not like I cold have done without the changing pad, 2 pocket slings, 30 newborn size onsies and bathtub squirters, right?! Hehe, so spoiled!) In my mind, there are still a few items I need or would like to have - such as a crib, crib sheets, changing pad covers, diaper pail, wipe warmer and swaddling blankets - but those things can wait. So here is a preview of our "nursery" until we move to San Diego and get to have a "real" one...

First of all, this is what the living room looked like yesterday after we arrived home from the coast and unpacked all the baby stuff.

Aaaand apparently Hosea think HE'S the baby...a few second after this picture was taken he got squirted with the water bottle, btw, can't have kitty fur all over the baby's things!
Baby changing station. I gave up my dresser - oh well, he's worth it! Obviously, you can tell that nothing really matches, other than the overall "blue theme", but like I said, it's only temporary until the "real" nursery can be put together in San Diego.

Diapers, spit up rags, board books, shoes!
Super CUTE wall sign from Michelle Farley...and a bag of baby teethers and toys for when he's a bit older. :)
A plethera of beanies...because every child needs 15 beanies, right?! All of them are hand-me-downs. :)
Booty department: wipes, diapers, lotion, vasaline, desitin. CHECK CHECK!
First drawer: pajamas. Second drawer: everyday body suits.
Middle drawer: 30, yes, I said 30, onesies, (Most are hand-me-downs from my beloved Ashely Chase.), little comfy pants, a pair of jeans, and some t-shirts.
Bottom drawer: little sockies, bibs, some wash cloths and changing pad covers, pacis, and a toiletry kit.
His sleeping area: of course, I know that he can't sleep with stuffed animals just yet, but for now that's where puppy is hangin' out. On the chair to the right houses a basket of slings, carriers, a bobby pillow, shopping cart cover and baby monitor.
Baby boy gets a spot in the bathroom, too! His shelf has some washcloths there to the left and a in the green basket are his soaps, lotions, bath toys, and a nifty water pourer thing. (Thanks Chel Chel!)
A closer look....just because. :)

And that's it for the baby nursery! I'm super blessed by all my wonderful friends and family for all the new and used items they have given me.  Soooo thankful!!! I still need a crib, but I'm waiting on that until we move to San Diego. We don't have any room for one right now, so it really doesn't matter.

And now for an updated belly bump:
32 weeks along, 8 weeks to go (give or take!)
Bare Belly Bump!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happier Day. :) Growing Belly...

So, this has basically been my progression of growth from week 8 through week 29. It’s amazing to look at my belly and know that I’m growing a baby in there! It really is such a miracle, and quite an interesting way that God decided to bring to life into the world. :) I feel blessed and honored to have this tiny human in my tummy, soon to be in my arms! (But not TOO soon! He needs to stay in there and bake for at least 11 more weeks!)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whiney blog post

This blog post is solely for the purpose of whining. I just need to put it out there that I am tired. I'm tired, sore, cranky, and emotional. Ya, I'm pregnant, but I hate that I use that as an excuse. But seriously, I think it's a legit one. My legs and back are so achy right now, I can't seem to get comfy. I'm thinking that tonight a hot bath and massage are on the schedule.

I'm just so shocked at how quickly my 2nd trimester energy and "feel-goodness" went away! It lasted for about a month and then BAM! GONE! Goodness gracious...this 3rd trimester fatigue has hit me like a ton of bricks. And then there's this nasty varicose vein that has plagued my upper thigh. It's been hurting for a month now and I just thought I had sore muscles from being more active, walking a lot, and squatting up and down to pick up the baby girl that I watch. Well, last night I discovered the vein. Ah, no wonder that part of my body aches every time I stand up and walk after sitting or lying down for a while.

Oh, and my lower back hurts. Bad. Wussy wussy me! I hate pain, and yet I'm adamant about having a natural, unmedicated childbirth. I figure if I psych myself up about it and have enough determination and support, then I can do it. Plus, that kind of pain has a great and wonderful reward at the end! My baby boy, out of my womb and into my arms. :) So don't tell me that I can't do it! I CAN. And, I'm not getting an episiotomy, I'd rather tear, thank you. After much research, tearing seems to be the best option.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Things That I Love

Aside from the obvious (at least, I HOPE it's obvious) - the Lord Jesus Christ, here is a list of some things that I simply love. They really are in no particular order, and some things I love far more than other things (such as my husband...), but you get the idea. :)

  • Long, hard foot rubs. Wow. They are like heaven on earth. Thank God for a simply amazing husband who loves to serve me by giving me foot rubs - often!
  • Fried eggs with Tillamook cheddar cheese and orange juice. Oh wow. Extreme yumminess and a MUST every single day as my second breakfast.
  • A clean home. I love when my home is clean. I actually enjoy cleaning it, as well. (Except for when I let the messiness of it get out of hand, then it's just overwhelming!) This past week I have been really good at keeping it clean and it feels GOOD! When I put forth a better effort to pick up after myself and clean as I go, then Jordan does as well - and that is very nice, indeed! AND, when it's clean, it leaves me more time to do things like organize....
  • My cats, especially Hosea. Is it okay that I play favorites?? I think so! I got him when from the pound when he was about 4 months old. He stole my heart. :) He's a big, selfish sweetheart of kitty and I simply adore him. I love picking him up and cradling him in my arms because he just lets me! He looks mad when I do it, but he doesn't ever put up a fight. 
  • Sunshine. I NEED sunshine. My body CRAVES sunshine. I can't really say that today is sunny, but I know that the sun is up there...somewhere...above the high level of smog coverage. The warmth of the sun makes my bones, skin and heart happy. This is why I was meant to live at the coast in California and NOT in Fresno. Sorry Fresno, I do NOT love you.
  • Babies. Need I say more?!?! Babies smell good. They are soft and cuddly. They feel amazing in your arms! I even like baby breath. And honestly, poopy diapers, spit up, drool, and crying don't bother me. I love their precious giggles and silly ways of moving around. I love babies.
  • The baby growing in my tummy. He is not here yet, and I can't hold him for another 3 months, but I know that I already love him. I talk to him, I smile when I think about him, I tear up when I think about him a little too hard - haha. (Because I can't wait to see him and have him safely in my arms!) I love when he kicks me really hard because, even though it hurts at times, I know it means he is strong and healthy.
  • Coffee. Is that bad? Hehe. I love coffee. I like how it smells and how it tastes. I really like Starbucks lattes and chai tea. I love sucking all the foam off the top before drinking my Starbucks coffee. I get Starbucks just a couple times a month because it is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. I make my own coffee every morning and I love how it awakens my brain so that I can function for the rest of the day.
  • My mommy and little sister - they make me laugh. :)
  • My husband. DUH! What's not to love? He is the sweetest man I know! He treats me like a princess. He is calm and patient when I don't deserve it. When I don't feel well or am too tired to cook dinner or clean, he'll do it for me. I am totally spoiled by his awesomeness. He is SMART and dedicated to his studies and learning. He is PASSIONATE about JESUS and TRUTH. I love his brain. 
  • Silk dark chocolate almond milk. Mmmmmm. So so so tasty!
  • Showers. I take WAY too long of showers. I love having the hot water wash away my sleepiness and awaken my senses. I love the feeling of CLEAN!
  • Country music and country dancing. I listen to the music every day and it makes me happy. :) The dancing I haven't done in quite sometime and I truly miss it! I miss two-stepping, cha chaing, waltzing, doing the barn dance, continental cowboy and of course SWING! I miss being swung around, twirled, and flipped in the air. :)
Those are just a FEW things that I love, or at least like very much so. There are MANY, MANY more things that I haven't put, but I need to get back to my Saturday chores. :) I thank God for blessing me with all of these things because without Him, I wouldn't have any of it, or at least it wouldn't be the same. I love that I have been redeemed from my sinful past and that God is continually sanctifying me. Boy, do I need all the help I can get!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beyond thankful for a healthy baby thus far

I am part of the May 2011 baby club on this website called Sometimes the threads that the expectant mothers post are quite amusing, sometimes they are annoying, sometimes they are odd, and honestly, some of the women on there are ignorant and stupid. (Yes, I'm harsh, but it's true.)

The women in my particular birth club (and there are over 6,000) are all due sometime in May. So, we very from being about 19 weeks to 24 weeks, give or take. Most of the women have found out the gender of their little one, some are having twins, some are as big as whales! Some are not even showing yet. (WHAT? Ya, crazy, I know) Some of them are married, some are single, some are in the military, some are in abusive relationships. Some are 16, some are 38.

That saddest thing is that some of them have discovered birth defects in their growing baby, suffered miscarriages recently or are going into preterm labor. Many of the women who have been told their baby has a birth defect (such as trisomy 18) are going to have to go into an induced labor and deliver their baby, only to have them not survive - in essence, their doctor is telling them they must have an abortion because their baby won't survive anyhow. On these types of threads I just keep my opinions to my self and my mouth shut. I've already had one of my responses deleted by a site manager because I said abortion is like murder. I certainly have some VERY strong opinions on abortion and some other issues. I'm quite conservative...

I'm not in their situation so I don't know what they are going through. I know what I would need to do in their circumstances, however. I would still keep the baby as long as I possibly could, until the Lord took him/her away from me - not a doctor. When a baby is diagnosed with Trisomy 18, he or she only has a 50% chance of not being still born. He or she can still go on to live a few months, even years. I couldn't bear to abort my child knowing that he/she has a 50% chance of being in this world with me for even a few days. Is that selfish of me? No, I don't think so. I'm bound by God's law not to take an innocent life. I can tell you this, I NEVER want to experience a still born birth. I know women who have and my heart goes out to them. God could make me one of those women at some point in my life and I'm not gonna lie, if it happens, it would likely be one of the most difficult things I would ever go through.

All that being said. I'm insanely, incredibly, over-joyously grateful that thus far, our baby boy is healthy. He's growing at a perfectly normal rate. His organs are all working properly and he is moving around in my womb just as he is supposed to. I opted out of doing any of those tests to see if he has defects. I don't want to know, I don't need to know. I don't need that sort of worry and heartache in my life right now. Right now, all I need to know is that he's healthy - and he is. If it turns out he has a defect or Downs Syndrome, then I wouldn't want to know that until much later on in my pregnancy or after I give birth. I know that God will sustain me if He gives me a child who is not going to survive past birth or live a long life.

Soooo, I pray for my baby daily and thank God daily for him! I'm 99.9% confident that he is going to be born healthy, to term and perfect. Call me optimistic, but really, I have no reason not to be at this moment. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5th OB appointment

22 weeks 5 days pregnant today. Had my 5th OB appointment - baby is healthy, I'm measuring perfectly, blood pressure is good, gained 19 lbs thus far (wow!) Doing my glucose test in 3 weeks...icky! She said I will probably have to go on a higher dosage of iron because my hemoglobin levels are still low. I already take an iron supplement, but I guess it's not enough! She said to make sure I am getting enough red meat (which I probably eat about once a month....) and I'm taking my prenatals. I'm actually taking a children's multi-vitamin and a natural iron supplement because the prenatals make me sick. I did research and found out exactly how much of each vitamin/mineral/etc I need as a pregnant gal and with the two vitamins combined, I should be getting just the right amount. Now I'm a little worried though? But, baby looks healthy...hmmm. 
Anyhow, so tired today! I don't sleep well anymore, not like I have since I've become pregnant in the first place. The problem is with our bed. It's too small! We sleep on a full, which was fine pre-preggers, but now that I like to sprawl out and sleep with lots of pillows, I just don't sleep. Oh well, such is life, right? Now I need to get ready to head to the social services office and get them to start up my food stamps again - they canceled them because I never turned in my quarterly report for December. was their fault! I called them the week that I was supposed to turn it in to let them know that I never received the reporting form. I left a message and they never called me back. I finally got a hold of them yesterday and they said I need to come in and fill it out now. I think I may take a nap before I tackle the S.S. Office. 
 Oh, and did I mention yet that this baby boy is super duper active and strong? I'm sure I have a zillion times - but it never ceases to amaze me! It seriously feels like he is performing some crazy karate moves in there. Other times I swear he's doing somersaults. Sometimes it's waaaay down low...and other times it's right above my belly button. Oh, and of course from far left to far right. He's active alright! It doesn't quite hurt, but it definitely feels weird, in a cool and awesome sort of way. And also, my belly looks really funny from the outside when he's moving around in there.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Dweedle Lee Dee!

After a two week "vacation" at the coast visiting family and friends, we are finally HOME! It feels so good to be back in our cozy apartment with our kitties. :) The house was freezing when we got here, but thankfully, our little 925sq ft apartment heats up quickly with just a flip of a heater switch! The kitties were quite happy to have us back and I'm happy to say, did not forget who we were! Whew! Hehe. The fridge and pantry were be expected when one leaves home for 2 weeks. Soooo we promptly went to the grocery store today and spent $22 on $150 worth of food. (Praise the LORD for food stamps and WIC because we wouldn't be surviving without them!)

It's been a fun and faith producing experience living on this tiny income we have since I quit my job in September. (So worth it, btw!) Most people probably think we are crazy. In all honesty, most people wouldn't be able to live on the amount of money we make and have in our bank account. Thanks to God for miraculously providing for us financially. With Jordan's tutoring income, and our uncanny ability to keep to a tiny, no-frills budget, we are able to do it! Every month we're like, can we pay rent next month? I dunno...let me go over our budget and bank account again...yup, someone there's enough money in there! Seriously, THANK YOU GOD.

Anyhow, running out of time, so I will post more later. Here is my latest belly bump! 22 weeks and 2 days today. :) Gained about 15 lbs thus far - whoo hoo! Grow, baby, grow!