When I ask Julian if wants a brother or a sister, he's adamant about wanting it to be a boy because "I need a partner so I can be Batman. He can be Robin!" When I ask the same question to Genevieve she says she wants a "girl baby." Her reason? "Because." So there you have it. My midwife does the gender scan between 19-21 weeks, so 7 more weeks and we'll see which kid gets their desired gender!
Fast forward to today and I'm 12 weeks along! Anyone who's gone through pregnancies and losses know that reaching 12 weeks helps calm the nerves! I'm not quite second trimester yet (one more week to go) but it's still an accomplishment. Praying that all continues to go well and baby stays healthy!
How I'm feeling:
Pretty good, for the most part. I have good days and bad. Evenings and nights aren't so great. I'm worn out by 4pm and definitely feeling the nausea. (Not nearly as bad as the first few weeks, though.) Braxton Hicks are very noticeable this time around. Nothing really seems to prevent them so I've decided to just consider them a normal part of this pregnancy.
What I'm craving:
Nothing in particular. Proteins, fruits, salty things. I'm not having any major sugar cravings yet. Most foods leave a bad taste in my mouth and I'm having to chew a lot of gum to mask it. (Not good for my TMJ,btw!)
What's going on:
I'm watching just one child part time these days and still doing a little Thirty-One here and there. (Mostly for fun and to give friends discounts!) My kids have dance class twice a week which is pretty funny to watch! We don't get out of the house too much...but we do have a big backyard so that helps a ton! I make sure they spend at least an hour or more out there a day. Genevieve has been totally awesome and taking TWO HOUR NAPS daily! A serious life saver. Julian quit napping at 2 so I didn't have the luxery of a "break" while I was preagnant with Genevieve (in hot and sweaty Florida, nonetheless.) I'm thrilled to be able to plop Julian in front of a movie, put G down for a nap, and take a 1 or 2 hours rest. It helps SO much!
Okay ya, I'm posting this. Kind of...so third pregnancy you guys! I was definitely not where I wanted to be health-wise when I started this pregnancy. It was unexpected and I had just decided I was going to join and gym and start exercising. I'm still going to work out, but it's going to have to be a slower, gradual, gentle process now that I'm already pregnant and I haven't exercised in almost 2 years. (So bad, I know.) My past labors have been 12-24 hours long and I NEVER slept during them and end up so exhausted. In order to have successful, smooth, natural/unmedicated labor and a fast/easy recovery I must be in shape, healthy, and have energy. So anyhow, I'm posting this super unglamourous pic of me from today, at 12 weeks, for the sake of tradition.