ANYHOW, other than that, my appointment was just fine. Baby boy's heart rate was 145bpm. My fundal height is measuring at 22cm, which coincides with my 22 weeks for once. With my other 2 I always measured a week or 2 "behind" (and yet my babies till came right around their due dates at 8.2lbs and 7.6lbs). Oddly enough, my midwife put my estimated due date at September 9th which would technically put me at 21 weeks, 4 days instead of 22 weeks. I'm not sure why she did that because that date doesn't line up with anything. I truly think she just used the little spinny wheel thing wrong. Haha! (And I say this because the baby is measuring at 22 weeks, my fundus is measuring at 22 weeks, and according to my non-professional calculations, I'm 22 weeks.) But oh well, whatever. A week or two off really does not matter in the grand scheme of things! Mostly, it just gets annoying when they say things like "oh, baby is going to be big/small, we can induce, we need to check your cervix at this date, blah blah blah."
So, that's the latest update! Just pluggin along over here at the Rossi household. Kids are happy and I'm feeling good. Julian just turned 5, which is crazy! Genevieve officially weaned about 3 weeks ago with a lot of prompting from me. I'm completely open to letting her nurse again when the baby comes, but for now it's just too painful. Jordan is busy with work (being a 24 hour caregiver to his grandma in Parkfield), studying for getting licensed (which is hopefully happening this Friday when he goes to Presbytery!) and writing sermons. I'm just doing my thing - trying to keep the house in order, organize park play dates, getting Julian ready for Kindergarten this fall, doing some major nesting, and trying to stay generally healthy and active.
22 Weeks! Baby boy is approx 15 ounces and 11 inches. |