Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Birth of Genevieve

My amazing, spunky, fiesty, beautiful, smart daughter turns 2 tomorrow. I'm holding in the tears...for now. Literally, these past 2 years have been a whirlwind. I don't want to forget the details of her birth, so 2 years later, I finally blogged about it.

Enjoy, or don't. Whatever. ;)

Ah, lasted, for what seemed like, forever. I didn't sleep that night as I was up all night with irregular contractions. It was a full moon...around 11pm on the 18th I started pacing the apartment complex. That's what I did with Julian and It really sped things up. Around 2am on the 19th I was still pacing and annoyed. I called my midwife, who was dealing with 3 other laboring women thanks to the full moon. My contractions were not close enough together so I stayed home and paced. I went up and down the stairs and attempted to to go back to bed numerous times without luck. 

Morning came and after having contractions all night they were still only 10-30 minutes apart. Sigh. I wasn't miserable, just wishing things would go faster as I was exhausted. I packed my bags and took more walks. There really wasn't much else I could do since I knew birth time was imminent. I called one of my best friends, Jana and my online doula friend, Stacie. Loved having those mamas to give me some coaching and perspective! Things finally progressed a bit and I felt the need to retreat to my bedroom, get in the child's pose (yoga term) and laid my head down on a stack of pillows in front of me. Thankfully, I was able to doze off in between contractions that were 5-10 minutes apart. (Another bff, Hannah,  had mentiontioned to me that a laboring mother cat goes off on her own to labor and it's a good clue to when the time is actually near. I never forgot that! My inner mama feline came out. Haha!)

At 2pm things were still progressing slowly, in my opinion, but I just "had a feeling" that I needed to get to the birth center. It was a 30 min drive to Hillcrest from Escondido and I did not want to be stuck in 5:00 traffic during active labor. I was so thankful to be given the "go ahead" from my midwife. She could sense the urgency in my voice and even though they prefer contractions to be 3 minutes apart, she told me to come in. We stopped in at a liquor store to get some ginger ale for my nuasea and I had a contraction while in line. Needless to say, all the patrons let me go ahead! ;) I had 2 more contractions in the car and they were hell, I'm not gonna lie. Laboring in a car is highly unpleasant. 

We got there and I was 5 cm and finally feeling relaxed about the whole ordeal. I went back into the waiting room and joyously announced my progress. The gals in the waiting room were high fiving me and said they were impressed that I was was dealing so well with everything.  Contractions were still 5 min apart. I walked down the sidewalk and had to stop multiple times as things progressed and intensified very quickly. I told jordan we needed to get back inside. I was having horrible back labor and the only comfortable laboring position was leaning way forward while Jordan pressed hard on my lower back.

I wanted to sit on the yoga ball in an attempt to turn Genevieve into a better position, but it was extremely uncomfortable. I had to be standing. Transition hit not too long after getting there. I threw up during it, which is normal for me. At that time I also had my bloody show. Things were gettin' real intense up in there. I said I needed the tub filled asap and got in before it was full. My midwife told me to tell her when had the urge to push and she left to attend to another gal who had given birth that night. 

I was on my knees, pushing against the side of the tub with jordan pushing with all his might on my lower back. All of a sudden I had a crazy intense contraction and started bearing down hard while moaning the loudest I possibly could and yelled "I'm pushing!". (My mom said I sounded like a cow!). That was my first pushing contraction, which means I went from 5 to 10 cm in about 90 minutes. My midwife came running in and put a mirror under the water to check. She said, "oh! There's her head!" I pushed one more time and out she came! Literally, 2 pushes. The most intense, and yes, painful, experience I have ever had. (It was surprising to me because pushing was such a relief with Julian and lasted about 25 minutes!)

We all laughed at how fast she came! It was unexpected! I just sat in the tub holding my beautiful, cheesy little girl. Exhausted and in awe of the whole experience. We waited a while before cutting the cord, as I did with Julian as well. Then we gave Genevieve over to Jordan for a little bonding while I birthed the placenta. It felt different than with Julian. I think my OB helped it come out with him, but with Genevieve my body naturally expelled it in about 15 or 20 minutes. It was facinating and I allowed them to use it for the interns to examine. My body is amazing. My husband is amazing. Birthing is amazing.


1. Did you tear?

Yes, I tore. She flew out before my midwife had a chance to help guide things slowly. My body just went for it. 2nd degree tear, just like with Julian. But, I healed much quicker.

2. When did your water break?

My water probably broke when I pushed out her head.

3. How was this birth similar to or different from your first?

It was very different, and yet very similar to my birthing experience with Julian. Twice as long, twice as painful, TEN TIMES BETTER, however, because I was in a wonderful home environment with a hands-off birth team. Julian's birth lasted about 12 1/2 hours. I labored at home for 10 hours and then went to the hospital when my contractions were 1-3 min apart. With Genevieve I went to the birth center when my contractions were 10 min apart and as soon as I got there, I progressed very quickly. Both times I had my bloody show during transition and both times my water broke during pushing. I birthed on my back with Julian and on my hands and knees with Genevieve. I threw up during labor with both kids. I did not use an IV for either. Yes, I pooped during labor with both children because pushing feels identical to being insanely consipated. Okay, much worse. (Don't be embarrassed if it happens to you because it happens to basically everyone.)  I didn't really have back labor with J, I did with G. I didn't sleep at night with either of them before birthing. I was confident with Julian, but FAR MORE so with Genevieve and very at ease. **side note** definitely take a laxitive after labor. You'll thank yourself.

4. How long was your labor?

Total labor was about 24 hours with active labor around 90 minutes. Pushed for about 1 - 2 minutes.

5. When did you go home?

I went home when Genevieve was only 6 hours old. It was terrifying and amazing all at once.

6. Stats?

Born around 5:30pm on November 19th. Can't remember the day of the week! Approx 4 days "late".
19 3/4 inches (I think?! Sad that I can't remember this either. Poor second child.)
7 pounds 6 ounces. (Or was it 4 ounces? Shoot, #failing)

Photo Ops: Unfortunatly, we neither had a real camera with us, nor a phone with flash. So, this is the best we got. I'm a girl who likes pictures and I think birth is beautiful, magical and an amazing miracle. The following includes some photos that may seem unpleasant to some.

P.S. read The Birth of Julian here.

The beginning of transition. I needed Jordan to push against my lower back through the entire contration. This was before I stripped down butt nakey. Laboring in clothes is for the birds. Haha!

Moments after she was born. I grabbed her and sat down in sweet relief! Look at the cheese! Julian had no vernix on him. 

My mom did the honor of cutting the cord. 

My beautiful placenta. Amazing!

Bonding with dada. 

Checking her vitals in dada's arms. 

Loving on my baby girl while my midwife stitched up my lady bits. 

Love this squishy face!

Big brother meeting his baby sister!

Our new family of 4. 

The face of perfection and peace.

Going home at 6 hours old. So peacful and an amazing sleeper! She slept better as a newborn than she does at 2!

Miss Sassy Pants....

Friday, September 4, 2015

Loving Life

TGIF! I can't wait to sleep in till 9:00 tomorrow! :D ;) I am loving life and how the days play out. I feel like I have a pretty good routine going with my kids and the kids I watch. I still haven't become a "morning person", but seeing a sunrise is overrated anyways. (Juuust kidding, they're gorgeous, I just sleep in until the latest possible time because staying up late is way more fun. Haha).

I love our little house and the neighborhood. We have recently become friends with our next door neighbors who have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and  4 year old son! The mom is a SAHM and we definitely clicked. We're even at the piont of letting Julian go play without me on occassion (for about an hour).

 I'm totally loving working my Thirty-One business and can't believe I am on track to becoming a Director! (Just gotta work it a little harder!) Obviously, hit me up if you want to know more about it! (

Living near both sets of our parents is basically the best thing ever. Even though we don't see them all that often, just knowing that they're a stone's throw away is so comforting. Kind of like a security blanket.

We've been at our church (Covenant Presbyterian in Paso Robles) for one year now and couldn't be happier! I absolutely adore our church home and the relationships that are growing there. I'm excited about getting plugged in to the upcoming small groups and stoked that Jordan will be teaching the adult Sunday School classes this fall. He's even had the privelege of preaching there 3 times over the past few months. Each time has been very well received! I'm so proud of him and can't wait to see the Lord use him for His glory! A committee has been formed and meetings have taken place to discus a church plant. (Jordan is on this committee and we are super excited about where the Lord leads!!) Things are going very well and we are blessed.

Fall is nearly here and I couldn't be more thrilled! Pumpkin Spice Lattes?! Comfy sweaters?! Cute boots?! Yes, please!! Of course, once it gets to be freezing I'm sure I'll be changing my tune! Born and raised Coastal Girl. <3 p="">

Monday, March 2, 2015

Demise of the Morning Nap

You guys, the morning nap is starting to diminish and it hurts. We've gone from 2 hours from about 10-12 to about an hour from 10-11. That hour is precious, I tell ya. During that hour I plop the male-child in front of a show, take a shower, get dressed, drink my coffee and work on my business (ebaying stuff, Thirty-One Gifts orders and marketing, etc). After Julian's show I would usually have him sit with me and color/draw while I worked. But that is slowing changing. Now I only have an hour! One precious hour! I feel rushed. I'm not a morning person and I move slowly before the noon-time hour. Errands are typically done between 12 and 2 and then it's back home for afternoon nap.

While 2 naps makes it so I can't get much done out of the house as far as errands and play dates go, I still cherish them dearly. Don't leave me, morning nap!! I plan to cling to you as long as my 15-month-old cooperates. I'll take 45 minutes, even. I just need that small moment of respite in the morning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Let's talk about Ebates

If you're a SAHM mom like me, or maybe someone who just hates getting out of the house and shopping...then you will probably benefit from ebates! What is it, you ask? Well, if you Google "What is ebates" this is what will come up:

And also check out this:

So, it's pretty cool, ya know? I've had a couple people use my link and because of that, I've earned over $80. Simply from people using my link! I've made about $10 back from shopping online at places like Kohls, Old Navy and I love online shipping, I'm not gonna lie. Getting out of the house with two littles and shopping for clothes is never fun for me. I prefer to just get over with after some intense google searching for sales and coupons! ;) And all from the comfort of the couch, bed or kitchen table. 

In case you are skeptical, I've received a legitimate check from them and you can search the internet for other ebates success stories. Please use my referral link and sign up today! You'll be helping yourself and benefiting me. I say it's a win-win. 

This is what your ebates screen should look like. Here's mine: