Monday, July 5, 2010

Our Cats

After 4 long weeks of keeping the rescued kittens quarantined in the bathroom due to ringworm, we have finally let them out. Papa cat (Hosea) tried to sink his teeth into their necks at first, but quickly became uninterested. The gray kitten, Trousers, is a boy and much like Hosea. In fact, he has already picked up most of Ho's habits, such as lying on the coffee table and attacking our legs. Ariel, the orange kitten, is a girl through and through. She definitely has a personal space bubble and does not appreciate it one bit when Trousers or Hosea attempt to rough house. She hisses and her tail gets all puffed up as she runs away to be by herself under a bed or behind a door. Both kittens, though strays, have adjusted very well to be domesticated. :) We are now outnumbered by these fury felines. Who needs babies when you have three cats to keep you entertained? babies for now, but Lord willing, soon.

4th of July in Reedley

This is the first year that I have spent Independence Day away from the Coast. At first I was quite sad and definitely had a pity party for myself, but then my mood perked up when we ended up going to Reedley for an awesome fireworks show! Jordan's cousin's wife's family help put on the show every year and we sure had a fun time! It was held at a baseball field complete with inflatable waterslides for the kids, food vendors, a great acapella group called Vocal Experience and a pretty sweet live band that took us back to the '50's and '60's. To kick off the night, we had the color guard march and hold their flags and the acapella group sing the Star Spangled Banner. The ground show was amazing! Unfortunately the finale in the sky fizzled out due to some wiring problems, but all in all I had a great time. :)God bless America!